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Welcome Abundance In Your Life In 4 Steps
This 1-1-1-1 alchemy approach helps you reset your 4 operational layers. You're already the Doer, the Thinker, the Partner, the Leader. Time to level up!
How to Unlock Christ Consciousness
To unlock more of your potential, you only need to look within. Christ consciousness is really the ability to experience life from a "higher perspective". Try the 8-8-8 approach!
How to Use Alchemy to Transmute Fear
Unlock your inner Alchemist and transform fear into power. Once you overcome fear, you embody the fearless dreamer that can accomplish the impossible!
Karmic Relationships: Learning Through Tough Love
We experience karmic relationships, so that we can understand our own value and learn how to set healthy boundaries. Karmics are the self-worth teachers!
Soulmates: The People Who Make Life 10 Times Easer
Soulmates just "get" us! As the Greatest Love Teachers, they come into our life to show us what true unconditional love and belonging feels like.
Twin Flames: The Biggest Growth Teachers
Twin Flames mirror back to us our own potential, so that we can finally commit to our self-growth journey and re-align with our soul purpose.
Love or Lust: Spirituality Has the Answer
Each chakra has a role to play, but when it comes to attraction these 2 chakras will give you a clue as to what your body is trying to “tell” you!
The 3 Objectives of a Spiritual Awakening
Your spiritual awakening is happening, so that you can understand who you are, how to align with the world more authentically and what's your soul purpose.