Love or Lust: Spirituality Has the Answer

Everything’s energy and so are you!

Relationships are tricky! 

Sometimes we’re attracted to people as soon as we meet them and other times it takes a little bit longer to “warm up” to them. 

Not all attraction is love and not all love brings attraction. 

But when we’re dealing with “fatal attraction”, how can we tell if it’s LUST or LOVE? 

Well, spirituality has the answer!

There are 7 chakras, also known as the 7 “energy centres” in your body, each responsible for boosting a particular state of mind or operational mode.

Look no further than these two chakras for the answer:

  • Sacral chakra (passion, play, excitement, lust)

  • Heart chakra (empathy, partnership, love)

Each chakra has a role to play, but when it comes to attraction these 2 chakras will give you a clue as to what your body is trying to “tell” you!

Spoiler alert: If a person is “giving you butterflies”, they are activating your Sacral chakra.

If you want to boost one of your chakras, try one of the seven 30-Day BIG TALK Journals.


Did you know there are 3 types of relationships you can experience on Earth? 

Remember that Earth is a school and you have signed up to experience a particular learning path during your life.

These 3 types of relationships are “soul contracts” attached to your learning path, which is why you might find yourself “attached” to particular individuals — you might have soul contracts to complete with them, or to put it in simpler terms, you might have lessons to learn together!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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