5 Emotional Habits that Transformed My Life (Part 3)

Emotional triggers go way deeper than mental triggers. Your emotional healing can be a powerful transformational experience when you let love flow!

Every time you consciously create change in your life, there are four levels that you are operating on:

  • Physical

  • Mental

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual

The third level is the level of your emotions. It’s where we feel the BIG heavy emotions and all the JOY in the world —  if we allow ourselves to feel, or where we repress our emotions and block our overall growth because we are refusing to heal our emotional triggers (which go way deeper than the mental triggers). 

Here are the 5 habits that helped me transform my life on an emotional level and how you can use them to change your life too!


Emotional burnout is a real thing. When you take to heart everything, you start to carry burdens that aren’t yours to carry.

You can see the best in people and choose to see it from a distance if they are only bringing you their problems to process on their behalf. 

Setting boundaries can be difficult at first — saying NO to invitations, saying NO to gatherings, saying NO to opportunities, saying NO to friendships, saying NO to your own family, and the list goes on… 

The point of setting boundaries is to listen to what YOU NEED and act accordingly. 

To listen to your heart (or your emotional body) is to recognise what you’re feeling, accept it, respect it and allow it to guide you forward.

Going against your own emotions and needs benefits no one, especially if you continue to do this for years. 

Setting boundaries honours the fact that you’ve changed and it gives you the extra space you need to bloom into a better version more effortlessly. 


To forgive for wounds caused in the past is to free yourself and gift yourself the chance to live in the present moment.

Forgiving doesn’t change what happened in the past. It means you’re no longer giving it power to control your thoughts, feelings and actions in the present moment.

The most important person to forgive is yourself.

When we experience pain and disappointments, it can be tempting to find someone outside of us to blame. In reality, this blame is entirely directed towards us:

  • for allowing ourselves to be tricked 

  • for accepting the bare minimum

  • for losing ourselves in relationships

  • for not being brave enough to pursue our dreams 

  • for staying in situations that weren’t welcoming or supportive

  • for not feeling worthy enough to leave connections who didn’t value and appreciate us like we deserved

  • for not knowing how to love ourselves and seeking that love everywhere else but within

Forgiveness unblocks the heart to experience more love and love is the most transformational force in the Universe. 

Everything starts with you. The more you transform your inner world, the more your external world will transform with you!


We are meant to learn and share memories with one another, not to hold ourselves back from growing through cycles of co-dependencies. 

Learning to let go of old connections can feel like the end of the world!

In a way, it is. 

When you change your surroundings or circumstances, you enter a new chapter in the Book of Your Life, whether you start a new job, enter a new relationship, move to a new city, or pursue a new hobby. 

(And if you change a lot or really fast in your external world, you leave parts of yourself that are deeply connected to your internal world all over the place!)

It’s your life — you get to choose what you want to experience. 

The question is… 

Would you like to create a book with 5 chapters, or a book with 50 chapters? 

The choice is yours! 

❌ This is not to say leave your lover and move to another country. 

👉🏻 It means that if you’re unhappy with a situation, there’s always a better one waiting for you to make the decision that YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE MORE OF LIFE, so that it can be presented to you!

If you keep staying in the same situations and relationships for years, you’ll likely experience the same reality (with the same problems, emotions, stories, patterns, etc).

As the quote goes, “If nothing changes, nothing changes.”

And if you crave BIG changes, you have to be first willing to go through the BIG changes internally!

When you detach from the need to carry every person from your past with you wherever you go, you are able to truly see what’s in front of you and maybe even more importantly: who’s in front of you. 

The truth is you probably haven’t met ALL THE PEOPLE that are going to love you and that’s a beautiful reminder in itself that life’s full of surprises when we’re willing to let go of the past!


You never know what the person in front of you is going through, whether they’re grumpy or smiling.

The ability to show kindness and empathy to everyone keeps your heart open to give and receive love unconditionally. 

We all go through silent battles from time to time. 

People who are able to carry their pain in silence, without bothering and burdening others with their problems, can be seen as both heroes and martyrs. 

Heroes, because they are refusing to spread the negative emotional thread, understanding that this thread contains their own life lessons – as long as they’re willing to learn from them!

Martyrs, because they are unable to break free from the image of being “strong all the time”. In doing so they are robbing themselves from the lesson called “vulnerability” — a lesson we only learn with others.

Our hearts might get heavy from time to time, but there’s always a lesson or two to learn in the seasons full of sorrows. 

Sometimes the lesson is that you’re doing a great job at being human. 


Well, to be human is to feel & when you stop numbing your emotions, you get to experience the lows and the highs. 

Congratulations, you’re allowing your heart to love! ❤️ 


Once you start to work through your emotional wounds, you will inevitably reach the point of inner child healing. 

Inner child healing is the examination of your own childhood and teenage days, which includes the beliefs and wounds you’ve been carrying with you that you have never truly taken the time to analyse, forgive and integrate as part of your human experience.

We adopt a lot of our deepest beliefs (that “tame” our thoughts and actions on a subconscious level) from our early childhood, which are then confirmed or expanded as we go through our teenage years. 

To dissolve any limiting beliefs and replace them with new, consciously created affirmations, it requires an honest, patient and consistent inner examination.

But the inner work doesn’t stop at your limiting beliefs.

In order to truly become your highest self in the present moment (the version of you that’s able to channel the most of your potential), you need to feel the emotions that you have been blocking over the years. This is the part where you acknowledge the wounds, allow yourself to feel the pain one last time and let go of it forever. 

The biggest expression of self-love is letting go of old narratives, limiting beliefs and anything that prevents you from shining your authentic light in the world!


  • 5 Mindset Habits That Transformed My Life READ MORE

  • 5 Physical Habits That Transformed My Life READ MORE


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


10 Things I Learned After Doing 300 Days of Self-Growth


11 Shocking Truths That Will Forever Change How You View Life