11 Shocking Truths That Will Forever Change How You View Life

Welcome to Planet Earth! Do you remember you're a Soul living a human experience? Ah, you forgot! Here's a quick recap of what's actually happening.

Some truths you learn unexpectedly, others you’re already suspicious of and when they’re confirmed, you welcome them with relief. 

That is the nature of life — to keep learning, to keep changing, to keep becoming a greater version of yourself than the day before.

Here are 11 eye-opening truths that have the power to change your life for the better wherever you are on your journey!


There is a life force inside of you that goes way beyond your physical body. Call it energy, Spirit or Soul — your essence is not of the physical world. 

What is your body then? Think of it like an avatar in a game. 

Only in the GAME OF LIFE, the way to unlock new levels and truly integrate the knowledge accumulated over the years is to do the inner work. 

What is the inner work? Inner child healing (facing emotional trauma from your early childhood consciousness) + shadow work (facing your demons from your own thoughts and actions that make you feel guilty, regretful or ashamed). 

Going through the inner child healing and the shadow work releases you from the bondages of the past, so that you can be fully in the present moment as your most authentic self. 

Since the current matrix, or the current default version of the game of life, doesn’t want you to remember who you are, there are DISTRACTIONS everywhere you go. 

Distractions make it difficult for you to do the inner work. 

Inner work requires peace, silence, solitude, patience, facing yourself, facing the truth, and it’s not as much fun as distractions in the beginning. 

But once you re-connect with your Soul, you see the distractions for what they really are — methods of destruction to the natural world that have been made so appealing that is overly easy to get addicted to them (think social media, fast food, adrenaline-based activities that all give you a sense of instant gratification). 

Where your Soul comes from, what mission your Soul has to achieve in this lifetime and how you’re supposed to collaborate with your Soul family is entirely up to you to discover as you go through your spiritual awakening — should you choose to proceed with it! 

In some cases, when your Soul is ready to awaken, it will not ask you for permission: your Higher Self will start the process naturally. 


Fear is an illusion that is fuelled by the current matrix to keep you from ever releasing your potential.

Fear is based on conditional thinking / loving, such as:

  • “If you don’t listen to me, I won’t feed you.”

  • “If you love me, you will do X, Y or Z.”

  • “If you don’t obey me, there will be consequences.”

  • “I only want the best for you, so you should listen to me.”

We first experience conditional thinking / loving when we’re children. Many of our parents have raised us with this “obedient” thinking, because their parents raised them like that, and the parents before that, and so on.

In the process, a lot of our individuality has been suppressed and perhaps lost, because our voices, needs and dreams weren’t given the space to be expressed. 

But fear? Oh, there’s always room for fear — because one’s fear breeds more fear in other people’s lives! 

Well, the same logic goes for dreams and goals. The more you listen to someone talk about their dreams and goals, the more you get inspired.

It’s the butterfly effect. It takes ONE PERSON to shift the narrative of the status quo! 🦋

Pay attention to what’s in the popular media. It’s mostly fear and that’s done for a reason — to keep the conditional thinking and loving alive in the world, so that we forget that we are able to dream a better world into being.


Nothing is random in the Universe and everything’s connected, but the connections are not always obvious for a reason — to keep us growing!

If you knew everything, where would be the fun in experiencing life on Earth or anywhere in the Universe really? 

Unpredictability in life isn’t to punish you, it’s to help you develop your trust in yourself and in the Universe. 

You’ve probably heard that time is not linear and this sentence really starts to make sense when you combine it with the Law of Unpredictability. 

When a big change happens in your life, it changes your thinking. It pushes you to see things from a different perspective and use your experiences of the past to better understand what’s going on. 

Suddenly, a random person you met on a holiday 10 years ago becomes a key player in your life, a random memory from your childhood resurfaces with clues to your current situation, something you bought months ago is finally useful, something you wrote in your journal after a dream is now a reality or an explanation, and the list goes on. 

Sometimes we go through seemingly random experiences, because we will need the information from them in the future. The best way to go through life is to try to be in the present moment as much as possible to both be able to collect all the puzzle pieces and to truly ENJOY what’s in front of you!


The present moment is the only time where you can create and really make a difference. 

The past is already done. Sure, it holds information, but there’s nothing you can do to change the past, which is why getting stuck in nostalgia for long periods of time will only get you depressed. 

The future is yet to be defined. Sure, you can dream about it, but if you only dream about it and DO NOTHING about it, guess what? You won’t be able to bring about the changes that you desire. 

Usually what keeps us from DOING and gets us stuck in THINKING + OVERTHINKING is our own belief system. 

If you believe you deserve something, you feel worthy of it.

If you feel worthy of something, you will act like it and fight for it — give it your best shot to achieve it (whether that’s a job or a relationship). 

We often stop fighting for our careers and for our relationships when something inside of us feels insecure, unworthy, undeserving. This is the point of SETTLING. 

When we reach a middle ground between point A (where we were) and point B (where we want to be), we sometimes throw in the towel. In doing so, we give a signal to the Universe: “I think this will do.” 

Here’s the interesting part: we often throw in the towel just before we receive everything we’ve ever desired and worked really hard for! 

It’s almost as if our operational system can feel the BIG CHANGE coming and it sends us counter-intuitive signals that life’s going to get even “more difficult” to see how we’re going to react — if we’re going to fall for the trick. Most people do!

But if you hold on just a little bit longer and move in alignment with what you know you are worthy of, amazing things happen. 

When you don’t settle for what’s in front of you, but keep the vision of what’s inside of you, the Universe slowly but surely helps you co-create and experience that version of life on Earth. 

P.S. Holding grudges keeps you repeating past cycles and holding onto past energies for way too long! Let bygones be bygones, as the saying goes. Unless you want to experience more of the misery of the past — the choice is yours! 


The frequency of gratitude is powerful enough to shift our mindset from shame, guilt, fear and anger into acceptance, joy, love and peace.

That’s a massive shift!

I’m referring to the frequency scale from David R. Hawkins:

Meditation helps us enter a state of bliss precisely because it reminds us there is so much to be grateful for in our world.

When you take care of yourself, you feel a sense of gratitude for being alive, since you are reminded of the little things — that you can see, hear, talk, move, touch, sense, jump, think, create and connect.

Positive affirmations not only increase the level of worthiness that we channel out into the world (which helps us attract the reality of our dreams), but they help us to ground positive energy into our life through the power of gratitude.


Money makes the world go round, or is that what the current matrix would like you to believe?

In reality, it is Mother Nature that is the biggest source of life and energy around us.

Spending a day in nature brings 10 times more rejuvenation than a day in the mall or any shopping centre. It might even be more than 10 times!

The fresh air, the blue skies, the sunshine, the plants and the trees, the animals, the stones, even the rain — it’s all boosting your own energy levels without you realising it. All you need to do is show up in nature and be present.

There’s a reason today’s world is so heavily focused on elevating these big office buildings and removing parts of the natural world (trees, fields, gardens, parks, etc) in the process. The more time you are separated from the natural world, the more you lose your energy and your spark, and the more you give your energy away willingly.

The less energy you have, the easier it is to:

  • get manipulated by people who are stronger energetically speaking

  • get distracted by the many distractions around us

  • give in to unhealthy temptations that offer instant gratification

  • give to others without giving proper self-care to yourself

  • give in to the idea that standing out and being your authentic self is unacceptable — that you won’t be accepted (which is, of course, a lie)

This is not to say that money’s bad or that we should not participate in the material world. The point is that the material world isn’t everything and it doesn’t define your value as a human being.

The material world can only ever refine your expression as a Soul living as a human being on Earth. As long as you remember that, you will be able to view things from a higher perspective and maintain a better inner & outer balance between the material and the natural world.


Where your attention goes, that’s where your ENERGY goes. What you focus your thinking on, that’s where you’re sending your energy towards.

Thoughts really do control our reality, because they are linked to our energy.

If you’re focusing on things outside of you all the time, you’re sending your energy away all the time. Meditation helps us to call our energy back to ourselves and ground it back inside of us, so we can keep on giving to the world.

You can’t give from an empty cup.

Think of yourself as a body full of energy. The energy doesn’t really go away, it only ever transforms. But if you’re focused on other people and external pursuits for a long time, you become depleted or “feel depleted” as if your cup’s been emptied.

This is the point where self-care is needed, so that you can give some of that attention back to yourself and therefore bring some of the energy back to yourself.

When we feel out of balance, it’s likely because we’ve been giving our energy (attention and care) to others without giving us enough energy (attention and care) in the first place.

The current version of the matrix is designed in a way to promote “selflessly looking after others” — often at the expense of our own wellbeing. This has A LOT to do with the inner child inside of us that didn’t get the emotional or mental support when they needed it, so now as adults we’re overcompensating by giving it to others. You see now why inner child healing and shadow work are important to go through?!

In reality, when we’re adults, we are each more than capable to look after ourselves.

If someone is overly reliant on you to fix their problems or give them advice all the time about both trivial things and personal things, that is the inner child in them that has recognised you as a PARENT figure in their life.

Until you stop playing the part of a PARENT to the grown-ups around you, you will continue to participate in co-dependent cycles that are not really your responsibility. In doing so, you will be investing your energy in parenting grown-ups instead of pursuing your goals and looking after your own wellbeing, family and legacy.

Protect your energy, life’s too short to supply someone else’s drama for years — especially if you’re serious about your dreams!


We can be codependent on many things that ultimately block our growth, success and happiness.

Yes, happiness is an inside job, but when you’re attached to many unnecessary and sometimes dark attachments (dark = unhealthy), you cannot see the “light from within”, your inner joy for being alive.

First, you need to realise what you’re overly attached to and this could be anything from:

  • people

  • habits

  • distractions

  • patterns

  • limiting beliefs

  • addictions

  • coping mechanisms

Once you understand what’s blocking you from believing in your dreams, taking care of and investing in yourself, and pursuing your goals, you can start to do the inner work to release yourself from those attachments.

The more consciously you choose to grow into a better version of yourself every day, the more you will be able to unlock more of your potential.

This will come to you in the form of ideas that you can bring into action, partnerships to help you co-create and opportunities that will allow you to share your skills on another level.

If you feel stuck in life, you are probably dealing with codependencies.

When you make room for change to come into your world, you will start to flow with the flow of the Universe and embrace a more abundant life.

The best way to make room for change is to begin to change yourself!


When I studied journalism, every textbook said the same thing: if it doesn’t concern sex, money or blood, it’s not newsworthy. It sounds better in Italian: “sesso, soldi e sangue”.

The news will keep you in a state of fear. That’s what they are designed to do. Sure, they inform you of what’s happening locally and around the world, but they mostly choose to inform you about what’s happening that will cause fear in your life and make you feel like you can’t trust your neighbours (and even your own family).

You don’t get many positive news channels and that’s not random at all. Remember the butterfly effect?

Negativity breeds more negativity, positivity breeds more positivity — the world we live in today is designed to keep us in a state of negativity to minimise our chances of fulfilling our potential.


Because in order to dream a better world, you need to create it with strong positive intention.

If chaos, destruction, injustice, pain and heartbreak is all that you see when you turn on the TV, over time it becomes easy to believe that “there’s simply no other way” (which is, of course, a lie).

And it doesn’t end with the news!

A lot of soap operas, TV dramas and movies give us plenty of heartbreak to experience as our own and it can be quite addictive to live life through them opposed to exploring our own life.

Binge-watching can help teenagers learn a lot about life situations in a short amount of time, but for adults binge-watching can be a form of escapism that pretty much declares to the Universe that they’re done with trying, meeting new people, giving love another chance, believing in their dreams (kind of accepting that their dreams have expired as if dreams can expire) and succumbing to their comfort zone permanently until their own expiration date.

It can feel impossible to believe in a happier version of life when you’re stuck in your negative feels 24/7. It’s no wonder mental health issues have been on the rise in the past few decades.

To choose to be happy in a world that continuously give you reasons to be miserable can be labeled as “rebellious” and “crazy”, but it’s actually the most sane thing that you can do for yourself and your loved ones.


When we judge others, it is judgement that’s coming from our Ego. Our Ego is what often blocks our personal evolution and growth.

When we judge people, we are not only giving our energy away, but we are also moving away from our own path.

When we judge situations, however, in order to establish whether they’re worth our investment and energy, it is discernment that’s coming from our Soul.

Our Soul re-aligns us to our most authentic and fulfilling path on Earth as long as we continue to do the inner work, listen to our intuition and follow the steps that are revealed to us in the external world.

When we judge situations, we simultaneously use our intellect and intuition to advance as human beings and help lift each other should we enter the situations.


We are capable of creating and experiencing miracles as long as we embrace our own magic. This is hard work and it requires accountability, but the results are life-changing!

You have the power to heal your body by changing your thoughts (your belief system) and your actions (your habits).

When you move in alignment with the Natural world, you rely more on Natural remedies (which have very strong healing capabilities) that have been “erased” from textbooks and the public space over the years to get you to purchase lots of pill that produce instant gratification — I mean, instant results.

If we no longer need medicine to treat everyday colds, minor and major infections, immune system and hormone imbalances, or allergies, to name a few health conditions, who’s going to make all of this profit (from all the pills) from keeping us miserable and sick all the time?!

The hardest pill to swallow — pun intended — is that we are actually the ones keeping us miserable and sick all the time.

We are the ones who choose to think negatively.

We are the ones who choose to stay in our negative feels.

We are the ones who choose to repeat the unhealthy habits.

We are the ones who choose to ignore the truth that’s right in front of our eyes.

Day after day, month after month, year after year.

Sure, the world (the current version of the matrix) doesn’t help by giving us constant exposure to fear-based conditioning, negative information and putting on display a lot of chaos and destruction, I get it.

But we are still the ones who choose to plug in, watch, participate, complain and CHANGE NOTHING about our own behaviour (all the while secretly expecting change BUT joining others in hating the very people who are actually creating the positive change — go figure!).

If you want to learn more about healing your body, check out Louise Hay’s books. They’ll give you a starting point to CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK about the relationship with your own body!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


5 Emotional Habits that Transformed My Life (Part 3)


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