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Project Stargate: How to Raise Your Consciousness
CIA’s Stargate Project is an exercise in raising your consciousness. Everyone can unlock their psychic abilities but first you need to do the inner work.
Operation Paperclip: NASA, Mind Control, Brand Loyalty
Operation Paperclip started with the Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun shaping the American space program and it's transformed into fashion brands producing NASA T-shirts.
How to Interpret Your Natal Birth Chart
Your natal birth chart shows your soul purpose, communication style, love language, existing knowledge and what you came to learn and become during your lifetime!
Monarch Programming: You Are NOT Your Trauma
Trauma is part of your Monarch programming. You are conditioned to hate yourself from the day you’re born to remain easy to control and manipulate!
5 Ways to Detox Your Body After A Stressful Lifestyle
When you start eating healthy, your overall health will improve. Metal detox, parasite cleanse, hormone, nervous system and lymphatic system balancing!
Starseeds: The Creative Masterminds
The Lightworkers known as Starseeds have both extraordinary logical and creative skills and their mind can be compared to AI in human form! In a way, it is.
How to Unlock Creativity and Ascend Spiritually
All creative people are connected to Source and channeling ideas from Source. Every person has the potential to unlock their creativity, it’s only a matter of intention and practice.
Space: Can We Actually Leave Earth?
The question isn’t whether Earth is flat, but whether we can leave Earth. We are being shown space missions while the state of the Earth gets worse… Why? Is it all for money?