BORN TO DO IT: Leadership Coach with Stacey Gonzales

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What does the natal birth chart of a Leadership Coach look like?

We'll take a look into the "Earth instructions" of Education Specialist and Leadership Coach Stacey Gonzales who's on a mission to help leaders transfer their expertise into profitable business ideas: one brand at a time!

  • What's the education system doing well?

  • Where is the education system failing?

  • What are the subjects that we need to include in the curriculum that are crucial for raising high performing and healthy individuals today?

  • What are the key skills every leader needs to develop?

Join us for a chat about education and raising the leaders of the future!


Dr. Stacey Gonzales is a teacher, advisor, coach, and consultant. For two decades, Stacey served as an award-winning executive leader in some of the largest school districts in Illinois. Now, Stacey is the founder of SG Creative Connections, where she helps leaders turn their expertise into a profitable business by clarifying their expertise and building their professional brand.

Beyond Stacey’s professional accomplishments, she possesses a remarkable ability to uncover the hidden talents in others and guide them towards fulfilling their potential. Combining her deep intuition and visionary mindset with logic and analytics, she is able to integrate operational processes to help individuals and groups work in deeper alignment and flow.

Stacey's expertise extends beyond coaching, as she also offers valuable insights as a consultant, assisting organizations in achieving exponential growth both individually and collectively.

🔗 Connect with Stacey on LinkedIn at


Why did I pick ORANGE for the episode's theme?

Orange is the colour of the Sacral Chakra – the energy centre for passion, creativity and making room for innovation. Once we operate in more alignment with our Sacral Chakra, we begin to trust our intuition a lot more.

The magic happens when we allow our creative side to help us design creative solutions as we look for meaning and belonging in the world: in the process we begin to co-create a brand new world and connect with more like-minded people.

May this episode help you boost your own passion for life!


BORN TO DO IT is a series of stories from humans around the world who are trying to make Earth a better place one day a time.

We’ll unlock their natal birth chart instructions together and figure out if they’re on the right track — if they are moving in alignment with their soul purpose.

Everyone’s got a soul purpose. It’s how you are meant to create positive change in society by being you most authentic self!

To discover your soul purpose, look no further than your own name. But also your natal birth chart, astrology and numerology can help.

One is not born into their purpose, one steps into their purpose.

Want to learn more? Find your own purpose


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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