Burnout Recovery with Kelly Swingler

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What’s burnout? How can we spot burnout around us – among family members, friends and colleagues? How is burnout impacting society? What’s the antidote to burnout?

These are some of the questions we'll tackle with Burnoutologist Kelly Swingler in this BIG SOULS, BIG IDEAS episode dedicated to increasing our burnout awareness 🔥

"Simon Sinek says – start with why. Kelly Swingler says – start with who! Who are you? That has to be the starting point!"

In order to recover from burnout and prevent the burnout cycle, you have to re-define your identity, understand your self-worth and create a more balanced, holistic lifestyle.


Kelly is a leading voice and expert in the world of work, a Burnout Expert, and the Executive Coach for Senior Leaders who are done with running on empty!

Her first Burnout made her seriously ill and her second almost killed her...

Today she's on a mission to help Leaders battle burnout successfully and restructure life in a way that helps them avoid the B-word altogether.

She's a five-time author, and contributor for a variety of magazines, newspapers, and publications, and have appeared numerous times on radio on TV.

She speaks to HR audiences around the world and delivered her first TEDx in 2022.

Kelly completed her BSc degree in Psychology in 2007 and her MSc degree in Organisational Change and Development in 2017. She is staring her PhD in Organisational Health and Wellbeing in September 2024 at Lancaster University, focusing on Burnout.

Connect with Kelly at www.kellyswingler.com


Are you tired of small talk? Me too.

BIG SOULS bring big ideas down to Earth.

Let’s plant some abundant seeds into the garden of your mind – join the big talk!

This is a podcast for abundance mindset.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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