BORN TO DO IT: Galactic Artist with Michele Courage

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What does the natal birth chart of a Galactic Artist look like?

We'll take a look into the "Earth instructions" of the Multidimensional Healer & Lightcode Artist Michele Courage who's on a mission to activate your spiritual remembrance: one painting at a time!

  • What’s ART?

  • Is all ART connected to SOURCE?

  • What does it mean to create MULTIDIMENSIONAL ART?

Here’s what Michele had to say about her spiritual awakening journey:

β€œYou may not think that you are making a difference to the extend that you want to, but the little person that you bumped into that you said to, β€œHi, how are you? You’re looking fantastic today!β€™β€Š-β€Šyou shifted their vibration. That little beautiful vibrational shift ripples out into the world. Make no mistake: it’sΒ massive.

What you are pushing out in your vibration, you will be attractingβ€Š-β€Šthat beautiful, lovely, loving energyβ€Š-β€Šback in. The more you work on raising your vibration, the more the most amazing stuff comes back forΒ you.”
— Michele Courage

Tune in to our conversation with Michele to learn more about raising your vibration!

You can learn more about Michele and her artwork at

Disclaimer: We had a turbulent start to the call due to some technological interruptions, but about 15:00 into the session we enter 3 magical portals that you don't want to miss out.


Why did I pick green for the episode's theme?

Green is the colour of the heart chakra!

When we activate our Heart Chakra, we naturally begin to vibrate at a higher level.

Our ability to lead with love is what transforms our life the most!

There's power in choosing love over everything else. It is through that simple choice to embrace love that you begin to unlock and experience your higher timelines.


BORN TO DO IT is a series of stories from humans around the world who are trying to make Earth a better place one day a time.

We’ll unlock their natal birth chart instructions together and figure out if they’re on the right trackβ€Šβ€”β€Šif they are moving in alignment with their soul purpose.

Everyone’s got a soul purpose. It’s how you are meant to create positive change in society by being you most authentic self!

To discover your soul purpose, look no further than your own name. But also your natal birth chart, astrology and numerology can help.

One is not born into their purpose, one steps into their purpose.

Want to learn more? Find your own purpose


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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