Boost Your Empathy & Unlock Your Inner Mentor

If everyone thought the same way, we’d get bored with one another pretty quickly.

Sure, sometimes people challenge us by supporting the opposite football team or voting for the other political candidate, but in the end there’s no ultimate truth.

We need each other’s knowledge and experiences to expand our own.

Try practicing "stepping in other people's shoes" and you'll discover your own Inner Mentor that's waiting for you to embrace empathy!

If you want to channel your Inner Mentor, simply boost your empathy!

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself if you’re ready to unlock your inner mentor and boost your empathy: 

  1. How can I help others?

  2. Is there a type of behaviour that puzzles me or annoys me?

  3. Who is the most “difficult” person that I know? What is it about their lifestyle that makes it difficult for me to relate to them?

  4. How has my “onboarding” experience on Earth affected my own behaviour? Does my childhood continue to limit my mindset and choices even today?

  5. What kind of person do I want to be perceived as by others (at home, at work, at a specific community, within a specific industry)? Why?

Here’s the thing about empathy…

You can’t control what other people do. You can’t do the healing journey for them. But you can be the example that they look up to!

Leading with empathy is a powerful form of leadership that creates positive change in the world simply by showing others that it is possible to rewrite your life story through the power of love and kindness.


🎁 Join the BIG Christmas Reset and get your FREE JOURNAL for a daily challenge and a daily journal prompt. 

What is it? 24 days of self-growth challenges!

Ready to welcome change? Invite new opportunities? Unlock your creativity?

Try this action-oriented Christmas advent calendar and channel more of your potential as you say YES to the daily challenges and get to know more about yourself with every journal entry.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

Manifest Your Dream Life: A 12-Step Exercise


BORN TO DO IT: Galactic Artist with Michele Courage