The 5 Stages of a Spiritual Awakening

Remembering who you are is a gradual process 🦋

A spiritual awakening is a very personal experience, because there’s no specific time that we all awaken. Your spiritual awakening depends entirely on your Higher Self!

You are summoned to the “battlefield” when it’s time to wake up.

What exactly is the battlefield?

The current state of Earth is suboptimal, to put it mildly.

There’s plenty of corruption, lies, manipulation, violence, fear and stress, all created on purpose: to keep our spirits low, our hearts broken and disappointed, and our ability to dream and believe in a better world weakened.

But guess what?

Even among all the chaos and destruction, we still to choose to love day after day, because no amount of violence can ever completely destroy the love in our hearts. 

And there’s plenty of (unnecessary) violence all around us!

So what are the 5 stages of a spiritual awakening?


The illusion wears off. “Oh, so this is the Bad Place!”

In the first stage of a spiritual awakening, you begin to see the world for what it really is and it can be quite shocking at first.

As you navigate between the two worlds, you are naturally drawn to the novelty and magic of the “new world”.

Spoiler alert: The current world or the “old world” is corrupted beyond repair, which is why we are being awakened to gradually move into the New Earth.


The learning begins. A whole new world opens up for you!

In the second stage of your spiritual awakening, you start to learn all kinds of things:

  • astrology

  • philosophy

  • psychology

  • biology

  • ancient runes

  • quantum physics

  • history

You begin to fill in the gaps that the education system left out intentionally and erase the false information that society and media have been feeding you for years.

This is the point where you begin to re-learn how to human, from how you breathe and work out through who you choose to spend time with to what you eat daily.

Sooner or later, you are inevitably led you to doing the inner work known as “inner child healing” and “shadow work”.


The Dark Night of the Soul is all about facing your pain and fears. This is doing the inner child healing and shadow work!

In the third stage of your spiritual awakening, you are faced with your biggest opponent — yourself.

You need to examine every single memory that caused you pain, sorrow, disappointment, heartache and emotional wounds. And then let them all go. How? Through forgiveness!

And once you’re done with the inner child healing, the second phase of this stage begins: the shadow work.

Shadow work is the process of exploring how your own actions may have caused pain in the lives of others and what aspects of your belief system need to change, so that your thoughts, behaviour and choices going forward can no longer hurt either yourself, or others. 


Everything out of alignment must go. This is where you’re letting go of the OLD, so that you can welcome the NEW!

The fourth stage of your awakening might be even more chaotic than the Dark Night of the Soul!

The good news? The Ego Death usually lasts a lot less than the previous stage. 

Once you’ve the hard work — the inner work, your surroundings need to catch up with your identity shift. 

This is the stage where you begin to lose jobs, friendships, hobbies and ties to anything and everything that no longer aligns with your authentic self. 

You might feel lost in this stage, but it’s only preparation for what’s to come: a reunion with your true Soul tribe and people who will be co-creating with you as you have each stepped into your soul purpose, into your higher calling.


This stage is known as the return to Self: your Higher Self. This is the point of fully stepping into authenticity and your soul purpose!

After many years of 3D conditioning, the return to the Natural world will feel foreign at first. And once you realise that you’ve been disconnected from nature as a way to get you plugged into an artificial system of existence, you’d wonder why it took you so long to see the beauty of the world around you!

Yup, that’s the effect of all the 3D Programming: I’m talking about the Monarch Mind Control Project and the MK Ultra Mind Control Project

They enslaved our Souls, but they couldn’t keep us prisoners forever.

And now that we’re claiming our freedom, the real work of bringing positive change into the world begins!


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma — it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change! 🦋


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

Evolution, Black Holes, Energy Manipulation on Earth


What Does Spiritual Ascension Actually Mean?