Outwit the Devil: Lead with Your Higher Self

Napoleon Hill discovered his Higher Self amidst the Dark Night of his Soul.

In the book he refers to this period as one full of doubt, paranoia, lack of meaning and total personal, professional and financial breakdown.

Once he trusted the Universe with his problems, the Universe gifted him with discernment and increased intuition, so that he can serve all of humanity with his knowledge, skills and purpose.

The secret? He was not meant to speak of it.


Yes, Napoleon Hill not only discovered his Higher Self, but he reached great success through co-creating with it and even wrote a manuscript about it. The manuscript almost didn't get published because his family hid it for a very long time!

Long before he passed away, he captured in great details how his Higher Self was giving him all the steps he needed to take exactly when it was time do so, but he was never to mention he was receiving his guidance from within.

My journey is similar, only I am openly sharing my experience of co-creating with my Higher Self with the hope that I can inspire you all to look within on a deeper level and trust your innermost guidance as the source of truth in this world full of man-made illusions and limitations.


While Napoleon Hill experienced his spiritual ascension, captured beautifully in his book, in an entirely different world that lacked the technological advancements and information exchange of today, I can't help but feel like we continue to hide our spiritual gifts, infinite creative potential and brilliant ideas for success out of fear that:

  • we may be wrong

  • people might judge us

  • our plans might fail

  • the Universe is just a metaphor

  • our work is not worthy of recognition

  • we are not worthy of love

The more you succeed, the more you will be given opportunities to use your power, impact, talents, skills and connections to help all of humanity – or entirely continue to invest in your personal image.

Your personal image will be forgotten, but your work dedicated to humanity will live long after you depart from this world.


Much like Napoleon Hill, I've been on a mission to make the world a brighter place with my presence and my work as I've attempted to publish a book around happiness for many years now (among many other creative pursuits).

Much like Napoleon Hill, I've had to experience many turbulent chapters with many losses and many unexpected side quests, which were all giving me the tools, resources and seeds to adapt the Divine plan into lessons and opportunities for others on Earth.

Much like Napoleon Hill, I launched a platform to capture the success stories of the change makers around us who are leading with authenticity and purpose and in doing so changing the world for the better (BORN TO DO IT Podcast)

Much like Napoleon Hill, I've had to outwit the Devil on multiple occasions, because the more you advance on your quest for self-actualisation on Earth, the more you'll have to face Fear and learn how to befriend him as you introduce him to your other friend – Faith.

Much like Napoleon Hill, I was given all the business strategy to launch my company Stellar Inc last year and while I didn't know exactly where this would take me, I knew that it was part of a plan that's much bigger than me.

Please understand the last point correctly: I was not given the funds or ideas from someone in the physical world. I received all the information through my consciousness with a full breakdown as to what I needed to do and my biggest task was to trust enough to follow through with action and take every next step that was revealed before me.

The most significant word you can hear on your spiritual awakening journey: "Believe"

This is, of course, one of the keywords you might instantly connect to 'The Matrix'.


When they say that it's the darkest before the dawn, they are talking about overcoming Fear itself and successfully completing your Hero's journey through the Dark Night of the Soul as preparation for the expansion that will arrive from connecting with your higher purpose.

Much like Napoleon Hill, I've had to walk in the dark for many years and trust that my Inner Light is so strong, it would illuminate the traps, the distractions, the path forward. There have been moments I've lost my ability to recognise my Divine Spark, but that doesn't mean I've ever lost it – the same thing applies to you.

If you have your logical abilities thanks to your "Left brain" and your imaginative thinking thanks to your "Right brain", there's another aspect to your inner wiring: your ability to channel your Higher Self as part of your connection to your consciousness, which you are always connected to, even if you're not consciously aware of it.

Much like Napoleon Hill, we are all here with a purpose that will allow us to serve all of humanity by first learning to trust our Higher Self and becoming obedient to the voice within that's attached to our higher calling.

Much like Napoleon Hill, you have a team of Spirit Advisors who are excited to guide you and teach you things beyond your wildest imagination. Your potential is limitless, but the amount of potential you'd be able to channel at any given time of your life is dependent entirely on your belief system and how abundant is your inner garden.

Much like Napoleon Hill, you've got all the seeds you need. Now it's time to plant them and watch them blossom as you begin to think like your Higher Self!

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Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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