Imposter Syndrome: What Is It And How to Beat It?

Imposter syndrome shows up when you’re about to go out of your comfort zone and gently whispers: “I don’t think you can do it.” 

Sometimes the voice of imposter syndrome is not even that gentle:

  • “You suck! No one wants to hear your ideas.” 

  • “This needs more edits, why do you think you’re any good?! No, you suck.”

  • “Is this all you got? There are so many people out there who are better than you… and you suck!” 

  • “Well what if you fail? What are others going to say? That you suck?” 

  • “Wow! How original! NOT! You suck.” 

You get the idea! 


The voice of the imposter syndrome wants to persuade you to stay in the comfort zone, because if you take the first step into the unknown, you’ll realise the following things:

  1. You are more than capable to achieve everything you set your heart and mind to achieve.

  2. You are creative, capable and inspiring AND the world needs your voice and ideas. 

  3. Nothing happens when you make a mistake. You try again after every failure until you get it right, that’s the formula for success!

  4. The safety attached to your comfort zone is false. The fear attached to what lies beyond the comfort zone is also false! 

  5. You don’t actually suck, this is just your conditional programming, embedded in your subconscious mind from society: something you can absolutely transform with positive affirmations and deep meditations!


The voice of the imposter syndrome is the voice of your Ego: that is “the Ego level” of your consciousness that desperately wants to stay in control, because it fears the unknown (the unknown is actually the domain of freedom = free will, freedom of speech, freedom of choice, etc).

Think of “the Ego level” as your REPTILIAN BRAIN trying to insert dominance in a battle that’s already been lost thanks to evolution!

Image: Source

If you logically make your way to your more advanced brains (the feeling MAMMAL BRAIN or the creative HUMAN BRAIN), you’ll see that there’s no reason for you to either listen to the concerns of the Ego, or accept them as the truth.

Image: Source

When the imposter syndrome shows up in your life, think of it as a major checkpoint to levelling up! 

If you pass the test, you’ll finally leave the constant “Fight or flight” state of existence and begin to trust more in the present moment, yourself and the Universe. 

If you fail the test, that’s okay too. You’ll get to try again tomorrow until you get it right! 


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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