3 Types of People You Need In Your Life If You’re a Dreamer

The dreamers of the world have the power to create a better world as long as they don’t listen to the insecure, the immature and the imbalanced!

Here are 3 Types of People to Avoid If You’re A Dreamer

But who should you allow in your inner circle if you’re serious about your dreams? 

There are 3 types of people you need in your life when you commit to your soul purpose and allow yourself to dream big!


People who are comfortable being on their own are not only more stable in their decision making and braver risk takers, but they are great problem solvers.

Independent people come up with solutions!

They are used to handling problems on their own and they are great at rising above everyday challenges without making a big deal about it.

Independent people will inspire you and push you to continue to expand on your vision for the future.


Have you ever met creative people who are unable to stop coming up with amazing ideas? One idea fails, off to the next one!

These are the idea generators of society!

They are typically neurodivergent people and they tend to operate with the “right side” of the brain a lot more than the left side.

You may call them the Dreamers of society, but they are much more than that — they are the visionaries that can actually ground the visions that will change the world for the better.

And when you spend time around an Idea generator, they will change your life for the better, too, because their ideas will become the catalyst for your own creative endeavours. 

If the Independent people will inspire you to dream, Idea generators will inspire you to DREAM BIGGER!

Idea generators are often Starseeds: people who have already unlocked higher levels of their consciousness who are here to create positive change.


There’s nothing more disempowering than sharing your ideas with people only to receive back their own insecurities projected onto you:

  • “Why can’t I come up with ideas?”

  • “Why does my life look like a big failure?”

  • “When will I do something with my life?”

The more you step into your purpose, the more you need to take your distance from people who haven’t done the inner work or they will keep blocking your growth. 

Here’s the thing about positivity…

Joy multiplies when it’s shared!

The best part about being around positive people is that you can be talking about difficult situations and they will still be able to uplift your spirit by reminding you to focus on your strengths!

When you’re dreaming and working towards building a better future, it’s essential that you have people of positive influence around you, because let’s be honest — there will be many failed attempts. 

In those moments, it’s crucial to preserve your optimism, because it’s precisely that optimism that will get you out of bed the day after your last failed attempt and help you to design another way to accomplish your dreams!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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