How to Ask for Help & Trust Others

Learning to ask for help comes down to trust — trust in others, yourself and the Universe.

Learning to trust others in moments of doubt or difficulty can help us realise our own strengths better and ultimately feel less alone in the face of seemingly impossible tasks.

In this Live session with Transformational Coach and fellow Lightworker Michelle Cordy, we talked about:

  1. The power of opening up and connecting with others (embracing unity consciousness)

  2. Creating a practical step-by-step exercise to make it easier to ask for help, because we all need a helping hand from time to time!

Yes, we lost the audio for a couple of minutes at the start but we captured the most important part — the 3-step approach to asking for help!

Here’s short breakdown of the 3-step approach:

  • The INNER check-in: taking a moment to reflect on your inner state, so that you can understand if you need assistance with something (4:03)

  • The OUTER check-in: investigating your environment for a person who can help with whatever you’re dealing with at the moment (8:31)

  • “Hey, I need help”: sending the message to your chosen person and communicating what your needs are (19:47)

The aim is to practice opening up to others and learning to share burdens and uncertainties as much as joyful moments with loved ones!

In moments of doubt, listen to your intuition & trust your inner guidance, especially when it’s guiding you to open up and share what’s going on with a loved one (and even a stranger).

Do you have difficulties asking for help? Who are your go-to people when you need a helping hand? Have you worked with a coach? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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