5 Sectors of Monarch Programming

Time for positive change  🦋

What is the Monarch Mind Programming?

It’s the CIA’s project to create childhood trauma in our society: a project that began after the Second World War together with MK Ultra.

The Monarch Mind Control Project creates slaves undetectably. 

You are exposed to subliminal messaging from the day you’re born, conditioned to hate yourself. 

But you’re also conditioned to believe in a reality that’s false!

Imagine you began erasing the truth from most educational sources – or you began tweaking it, inserting lies here and there, just to see what happens.

One day, the truth is enmeshed with the lies and those in power who have the money can begin to spend those money to market the lies. 

If lies are all you see around you, you begin to believe in them.

The Third World War has already begun. It’s spiritual warfare. It’s mind control. And I’m not talking about scientists going into your brain and doing experiments. I’m talking about “scientists” distorting the truth in order to keep you sick, ill-informed, programmed to be a slave to the system.

The purpose of this video is to make you QUESTION things. 

Everything that we have been “fed” as information since the Second World War or the 60s after TV Programming made its way to every household SHOULD BE QUESTIONED.

It’s time to start thinking for yourself.

Here are 5 industries that shape the Monarch Mind Control Programming to give you an idea of how broken and corrupted is our current society.


The first sector is the Healthcare or the Medicine Industry. 

If you want to start a business today, all you need to do is think of a problem you can solve.

But if there’s no problem: you create the problem.

Medicine has been doing that. They have been creating problems on purpose to keep making profit, to keep “saving the day” as the heroes who have the cure.

You can easily see how this can translate into creating global viruses. 

But you don’t need to look that far.

Just look at the “side effects” for most prescribed drugs. 

We are like abused animals that would take anything to stop the pain, even if the cure brings more pain.

And who’s abusing us?

The system.


The second sector is Education.

If you don’t know how your own body and mind work, you’re always dependent on others when something’s not quite right: whether it concerns your physical or mental health.

Education plays a huge role in creating codependency in society. 

Yes, we are social creatures, but we have been disabled socially speaking, so that we are never truly “whole on our own” – or at least we’re made to believe we’re not.

What are schools teaching us? What the governments want us to know: who was in power when and who was wrong or right.

Yes, there’s biology, chemistry, physics, literature, even philosophy – but are they really taught in a way that explains how life works and how these subjects all connect to help us accomplish our soul purpose?!

No, not really. And spirituality is laughed at!

Let’s not forget that there’s no emotional intelligence, soft skills or money education covered in the curriculum before you enter the real world.

If you do not know something, you’re more likely to be scared of it. 

Fear – if the education system could teach you fear, the governments would be all over it. Because fear sells. Fear-based programming drives sales!

Are we living in a version of 1984?

There are definitely some political leaders who would like that to happen, destroying freedom of speech and freedom of thought would make their evil plans so much easier to execute. 

Now is the time TO THINK FOR YOURSELF.


The third sector is the Food Industry.

Governments around the world want to create a global society that looks like Wall-E: brainwashed, consumed by distractions, immobilised.

What you eat is your fuel for the day and for your life. When you eat unhealthy for years, you create chronic health conditions that sometimes are beyond repair. 

The body can heal itself, but not while you’re feeding it with poison.

And this is where spiritual warfare becomes more than just mind games. This is where the effects of the propaganda, of changing facts, of spreading lies and using marketing to glamorise a lifestyle based on illusions creates this disempowerment in society.

If you disempower the soldiers, the soldiers become slaves. What are the top 3 food options for today’s slaves?

  • Sugar

  • Alcohol

  • Drugs

They are addictive, they create addictions within the body, mind and spirit. They spoil you! They spoil the Warrior within you. 

You’ve been disempowered by the system. It’s time to wake up and reclaim your power.

Because some of the scariest diseases we are facing today are food-born, created by our diet.


The fourth sector is the Foster Care system.

The system is trying to create a world where the children are not the future. 

How can you disempower people? 

One, make them believe their dreams are worthless. 

Two, poison them every step of the way with medicine, food and false information. 

Three, attack the most vulnerable members of society: kids and teenagers.

And there are certain countries where children could be taken from their parents if the government thinks there’s something wrong in the family even when there isn’t, because the government’s not benefitting from healthy, happy children who believe in their dreams and are supported by their environment.

This is where childhood trauma plays into the structure of today’s society. Trauma gives birth to high performers who can be plugged into the capitalist matrix and turned into slaves that will not question the rules.

This is why we live in a society made up of abuse, narcissism, victimhood, manipulation, gaslighting and so on. All of them are unnatural, but all of them make money. 

Spiritual warfare means that we’ve been made to turn against each other in the name of money, glory, fame, power, all the while we are pawns in the master game of the Elites. 

A game that has one goal in mind for them: it is not control and power, it is not even money, because none of us lives forever, it is DESTRUCTION. Their goal is to destroy Earth in any way possible and the best way to do that is to attack the children while keeping us distracted.


The final sector is Police.

The people you’re supposed to be able to turn to for help are not available, because they’re part of the system.

Or they have been trained by the system to support the system, not the general population that relies on them for protection.

A little bit like the Human Resources team in a company – they are there to support the company, the employers who will give them the paycheck.

One example of how Police does more damage than good is when victims are exposed to dark psychology tricks to keep them confused and make them realise it was actually their fault. This strategy is known as gaslighting.

When did gaslighting begin?

Around the time of the Second World War.

You have to understand how dark psychology works if you want to win a war – or survive today’s society of abusers and manipulators.

The Netflix series Unbelievable shows how gaslighting works in institutions.


And this is how you create slaves to the system:

  1. Health care drugs you to the point where there’s always something wrong with you, because who has the time to read all the “side effects” – you gotta keep making money for the economy.

  2. Education doesn’t really educate you, because the truth’s infused with lies and you’ve not really been taught or encouraged to think for yourself – you might have even been punished if you expressed your ideas openly.

  3. Food industry then feeds you substances that create infections within your body and confusion within your mind, so you cannot see or care too much about what’s going on around you.

  4. Foster care is the perfect system to experiment with kids, including psychological and drug tests, before they push them onto society “if the clinical tests have been proven successful” – we have replaced mice with kids and since there’s no one to protect the kids, the trauma making system continues as planned. 

  5. Finally, the Police does exactly what it’s supposed to – protect the image of those with money. 


Money and fame are two symbols of success in today’s world.

What people wouldn’t do for money and fame, without ever thinking about the consequences of their actions?! 

And every action has a consequence. But who’s watching, right?

Well, the system is watching. All the time.

But they’re not the only ones. There are higher powers watching the system too. 

The bottom line is…

Monarch Mind Control Programming blocks our evolution, starting with attacking the children – those that hold the keys for the future. 

Before we can restructure society, we must understand the faults and flaws of the current system, so that we can rebuild it in a way that we can finally bring positive change, keep the children safe at all times and ideally remove all parasites from the design.


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma – it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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